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Animal House Milano stores are also specialized in the sale of kittens of all breeds. Among the kittens for sale we find more frequently Persian , British , Scottish , Exotic and all the small kittens of the most requested breeds.

When looking for kittens for sale in Milan ...

As for dog puppies , dwarf cats are also required for cats, but be careful, let's dispel the myth: there are no dwarf cats in nature like dogs. The dimensions of the cats are only those required by the breed standards . If dwarfism occurs, it is as much a problem as it is for us humans.

In any case, each customer is followed with advice and notions that allow the best insertion of the kitten in the new home, also can buy accessories and baby food at the shop and use the boarding and grooming services.

Each kitten is delivered with microchips, at least one vaccination, deworming and warranty with a free visit.

vendita cuccioli di gatto

For additional information on dog puppies for sale in Milan, call our stores, or to stay up to date, follow us on instagram and facebook .


Cuccioli di Exotic Shorthair

L'Exotic Shorthair è un gatto dall'aspetto unico, buffo e affascinante allo stesso tempo per via del suo caratteristico muso schiacciato.

Noto anche come "Esotic Shorthair" o semplicemente come "Gatto esotico", questo felino è un incrocio tra un gatto Persiano e un American Shorthair. La differenza principale rispetto al Persiano è il pelo corto caratteristico di questa razza, tanto da comporne il nome (shorthair).


British puppies

The British Shorthair is the descendant of cats brought to Britain by the Romans who were later crossed with native wild cats. Historically it is known that the British Shorthair lived in the wild or at least was not recognized and bred as a separate breed until the 19th century . In the second half of the nineteenth century Harrison Weir decided to select the breed of this cat in its blue variety and presented it for the first time at the cat show of the Crystal Palace in 1871 . British blues were for a long time confused and crossed with French Carthusian cats . The characteristics of the genotype of these two breeds are somewhat different. The breed's popularity has declined since the 1940s , but since the end of World War II the breeding programs have intensified and the breed's popularity grew again. For a time, British Shorthairs were crossed with Persian cats to make their bodies fluffier and head rounder. The round cheeks and the creases around the mouth that simulate the smile are reminiscent of the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.


Persian puppy

The Persian cat is a domestic cat , originally from Asia Minor. The first specimens were brought to Europe in 1626 by Pietro Della Valle. The breed was given the name of Angora cat or, strangely, French cat. Later, when a variety of smaller, stocky and long-haired cats were imported from Iran, the Persian breed was created.

When the first major cat show was organized in 1871, by the Englishman Harrison Weir, the Persian received more awards and the first breeding projects began since then [1] .

This type of cat - now exclusively of apartment - was highly appreciated in the Victorian age : it is known that Queen Victoria possessed beautiful blue specimens.

There are many farms of this species. The long and flowing hair is its charm and its beauty, the coloring of the coat consists of about two hundred combinations of colors: among the most common, those in solid colors (white, cream, black, blue, chocolate, lilac and red) , and, for the tortie type, tortoiseshell shades of black or blue-cream color, but also chocolate or lilac.


Cuccioli di Siamese

La razza siamese è una delle più facilmente riconoscibili, grazie soprattutto ai bellissimi occhi azzurri a mandorla e alle zone più scure del manto in corrispondenza del muso, della punta delle orecchie, delle zampe e dell’estremità della coda. Originario dell’antico Siam (l’attuale Thailandia), questo gatto è approdato in Europa nel XIX secolo in una versione dai lineamenti più spigolosi e dal mantello più scuro, che poi si è raffinata con le successive selezioni.


Cuccioli di Bengala

Si tratta di un gatto di media taglia, muscoloso; i maschi possono arrivare a pesare 7 kg, mentre le femmine di solito non superano i 5. La testa deve essere proporzionata, con profilo dritto ma è ammessa anche una leggera curva, e somigliante a quella dei suoi progenitori selvatici. Gli occhi sono grandi e rotondi, e sono ammessi tutti i colori. Il bengala esiste in varie colorazioni, al momento in Italia sono riconosciute: black spotted, seal lynx point (snow) e black silver. Un colore importante nella razza bengala è il charcoal, che viene direttamente dai geni dell'antenato selvatico: l'ALC. Le orecchie devono essere piccole e arrotondate. Il pelo è corto e setoso.La coda è di media lunghezza e con la punta arrotondata. La corporatura è atletica mai tozza, muscoloso e snello allo stesso tempo.

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